Thursday, February 19, 2009

RIHANNA's FACE!!! & My Abusive Relationship

OMG, babygirl looks so sad, and the injuries ARE obvious. I just want to hug her, or better yet go back in time & beat his ass FOR her, cuz I mean I'm known for whopping a nigga's ass, I don't give a fuck I'm not scared of naan nigga. Plus that's my wifey ;)

My ex was slightly abusive and I clocked his ass with irons, flat irons, books, belts, purses, laptops- whatever I could find. Not that I'm proud of that, cuz its always neccessary to exit a physically abusive relationship ASAP, even though its not always easy because of how deep you can be sunk into it. I'm just sayin you gotta fight back. Stand toe-to-toe with a nigga and let him know you're not A PUNK BITCH. You're a strong woman, even if you're not all the way there yet, you gotta make them think that, which make them think twice about their next move.

I can't even lie though, I'd still get on with Breezy hahahahah! I kiiiid, I kiiiiid. (no, i'm serious. =P)
UPDATE: After reading I realized that we are all jumping to conclusion before we get the details. I know very well that a man can only be pushed so far before he reacts, and of course he is probably going to be the more powerful one, so your blows or w/e might not do much damage. There have been many instances where I've watched my friends fight their boyfriends and while their punches, kicks and bites would be enough to fuck another chick allll the way up, didn't pack much power to the guy. We don't know Rihanna in real life so we have no idea what her true colors look like. She could a B-I-T-C-H, mean, rude, stuck up whatever. Sooo...


  1. im really glad you had the strength and courage to step out of that situation.

    i really hope that pic is a fake, bcuz her face looks awful! smdh.

  2. lmao!
    Id give it to that young buck too!

  3. Thanks Simone, it still suprises me everyday that I show restraint by not answering his calls or going to kick it with him. And YEP! I'd hit! hahaha
