Sunday, May 17, 2009

You probably think this post is about yoooouuu...

NOSY people get on my nerves. Nosy people who sneak snake their way into shit you didn't invite them into.

Food for thought: What I tell you is what I want you to know, what I don't tell you is for me to know and for you to not ask about and a hint that you should mind yours!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 jobs...

Slangin sandwiches part time and slangin something else @ Boeing part time...sounds good right?


Saturday, May 9, 2009

You are my everything, and everything is you.

I purchased many material items for my mom, but the card, I made at home, took me about 2 hours, seriously. I worte a whole page in 8 font pouring my heart out, on the verge of tears the entire time. No one will ever know how much I appreciate my mother and love her for staying with me through thick and thin and loving me unconditionally when no one else cared.

"You da fckn BEST, you da fckn BEST, you da fckn BEST...cuz you hold me dowwnn..."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ignorant White Folk Update

Slash response to Super Woman aka Schizophrenic Brooklynite. So today my co-workers asked me "Why didn't you go to the BBQ the other day? Or, Or, Or (trying to drag it on to make sure he collected enough laughs)as "ya'll" call it "Da Cookout!"


*rolls eyes*

I replied "Why no, I chose not to attend because YOU PEOPLE don't know how to cook PERIOD, let alone BBQ, and I wasn't exactly in the mood for cardboard. Not to mention it rained that day, so you know what that means. If I wanted to chill in a funky ass kennel, I'd go to the pound."


And I do believe they were offended, though they tried to play it off b/c they told me they don't get offended like I do.

Well, so be it, but you don't just make racist cracks time & time again & think its still gonna be funny after the 1st or 2nd time. Not only that but when you continuously do it and can't seem to stop, I have no choice but to assume you are indeed a racist.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Keep It On The Down Low???

Just plain disgusting, "trifling" and sad.

And the one nigga said when is it a good time to go raw w/ a dude he's fckin, even though he's MARRIED.
